" It is time we all see gender as a spectrum instead of two sets of opposing deals" 
-Emma Watson

Gender equality, this topic for me is a very important topic. It teaches us a lot of things, about ourselves and also about other people. You get to see their real beings and who they really are. And I get it that there will always be people who would not support this and there would also be people who would.  But either way I think we should treat them equally, like just because they identify themselves as a female even when they are a male or if they identify themselves as male even if they are a female. Or if they don't identify as any of those. We shouldn't treat them any different. Because they're just like us. They are human beings too, they have feelings too.

And bullying, our parents taught us that bullying is not good and that it can hurt others. But why still do it? People who bully people cause they think its fun or cool, they would think what their doing or saying to them are actions and just words. But their really not, what their saying can damage and self sabotage ones being. It can go from overthinking it to questioning ones worth. Again they are human beings just like us, they have feelings too. And no human being should experience that kind of treatment. Cause if someone did that to you, I'm sure you would feel the same way. Even if you say it wouldn't hurt you. There would still be a part of you, where you got affected by what they said or did.

Also, I just wanted to add on here. That there will always be times that you would questions your sexuality or who you really are. And that's normal, everyone goes thru that phase or situation. This phase also helps you find out things about yourself. Or even find out who you really are as a person, again getting thru this phase or situation is normal. During this situation you would also maybe feel a bit anxious or even maybe confusion, and that's okay cause it takes time to find ones self. Back to gender equality, maintaining this action can also lead to a lot of advantages. And one of it is a bright future, it can teach people to treat each other with love, care, and equality. It can even teach the younger generations new lessons, and thoughts. It doesn't only give advantages, but its also because we need this. 
Maybe to somehow make a change, to speak for those who can't. A lot of people have suffered from anxiety and depression due to bullying. Just because they identify themselves differently from the two or opposite gender. But again if we maintain "Gender Equality", it can at least bring some change into the world.


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